Friday, December 26, 2014

Redirection and Dreams Reborn

So...I know it's been forever since I've updated anyone on the progress of the Fairfeet Project, and I'm sorry for that. I've been wrestling with how to say this for about a week now, and getting nowhere. So, in typical Jordan fashion, I've decided the best way is to just blurt it out and then explain it. That way, those of you with busy lives and/or short attention spans will get the important part without having to read a monster post. So...*deep breath* we go with the announcement:

My life has recently taken a new direction and I have decided not to walk across the country. 

What is this "new direction"? I want to back to school and study to become a sign language interpreter. I've been interested in this off-and-on since I was twelve years old, and recently I had an opportunity to interpret a couple of songs for a deaf lady and it reawakened my interest in this. However, if I were to wait until after my walk to pursue this, I wouldn't have any money left for school, if I had any left at all.

What about Active Water and your mission for clean water? The simple fact is that the $961 I've raised for Active Water/Lifewater has already been donated to them and is being put to good use bringing clean water to people who desperately need it. Could I raise more if I actually did the walk? Probably. But I'm honestly a terrible fundraiser and it's only by the grace of God that I've raised what I have. It's more than I would've raised had I never undertaken this endeavor.

So what now? For now, things stay much the same as they have been. I'll stay in Memphis and keep working and sleeping. I'll also start looking into getting into Ozark Christian College to pursue an Associate Degree in Deaf Ministry. Because I already have a bachelor degree, most of my credits should transfer and I'll only have to take a my concentration-related courses, which will be cheaper and (hopefully quicker). If that works out and I'll be able to start in August, then I'll eventually move to Joplin, MO find housing and a job and stay there until I'm done with school.

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me or prayed for me during this year-and-a-half enterprise. And a huge thanks to everyone who has given to Active Water/Lifewater on behalf of this campaign. THANK YOU!!! Even though my plans of walking have come to naught, your generosity was not without fruit and is helping bring clean water to people who otherwise may never have gotten it.

I hope to come back and write a post about what I learned from this little failed enterprise, but we all know how long that may take me to get around to.

'Til then, may the road rise up to meet you,
Jordan Miller

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Soul Searching

Binoculars by whiskeyandtears on Flickr
      So, as I said in my last post, I've spent the past month soul-searching, praying, and basically stressing out to the point of near-insanity. Was it worth it? Why yes. Yes it was. For one thing, it really forced me to take a close look at myself, who I am, why I do what I do, and a slough of other existential questions. But I'll spare you all the melodrama and skip right to the conclusion: I've decided to postpone my walk till March of next year. Why? Glad you asked! Allow me to explain.

     One of the biggest factors in this decision was time. If I kept on pushing for my original start date of May 20th, I'd have a little less than two months to finish all my preparations, fundraise for the cause, and psych myself up for it. All while also trying to finish my last semester of college, help launch a coffee shop, play and sing in a praise team, and volunteer in the college's kitchen. Some people are extremely self-motivated, driven, and organized and could do this. I am not one of those people. That should be evident in the fact that I've been planning this for almost 10 months and have scarcely more figured out now than I did when I started. Ok...I actually have a good bit more than that worked out, but not nearly enough. Postponing gives me more time to wrestle a few of these monkeys off my back and truly give this project the effort that it deserves.

     It also gives me more time to walk. I know that seems a bit counter-intuitive, but there's logic to it, I swear! You see? The general consensus of my research about those who've walked the country before is that you want to start early in the year (say March) so that you can make it to the Rockies before the weather gets too yucky. My starting in May was mainly because I couldn't skip out before graduation without a certain half-Mexican, half-Italian Florida woman skinning me alive. So because I was leaving so late, I was going to have to move as quickly as possible to get to the Rockies before winter. And that would've been even more miserable than a walk like this already is. But by pushing back to next March, I can now leave at a more reasonable time of the year and not have the burden of constantly stressing out about my pace.

     Another major factor is the other ministries that I mentioned earlier that I'd be missing out on during this walk, Avenue Coffee in particular. For those of you who may not know, Avenue Coffee is a coffee shop outreach ministry that friends of mine are launching near the University of Memphis as part of their degree program here at Mid-South Christian College. While not an original member of the team, I came on board last spring as an extra pair of hands and at some point got absorbed into it. We've been working our collective booties off for months and after many set-backs and surprises hope to start our soft-opening here in the next couple of weeks. If that happens, then the shop would only have been open for a month or so when my original start date rolls around. Beyond that, there's also the church in Olive Branch, MS that I've been attending for most of my time at MSCC. I've been working with them for years and some really exciting developments are unfolding that I would otherwise miss out on if I left as originally planned.

     But probably the biggest factor was the sheer amount of time I spent stressing over this problem, wrestling with it night and day in my mind. I'm well aware that doubt and struggle are both parts of following God's call, but for one thing I never had a clear-cut call to begin with, just Faith, ambition, and a desire to serve in a big way. At some point along the way, I realized that the reason I was constantly begging God for guidance is because what I really wanted was a Divine Hall Pass telling me I could go. I mean, without going into details, I can now look back and see dozens of little moments and comments from the past three months alone that were probably God trying to hint at what I should be doing. I'm clearly not taking this as a "no" or this would be a cancellation announcement rather than a postponement announcement. I just think that God has other things that I could be more useful in this year than walking across the country.

     So there ya have it, I'm pushing things back and giving myself a little more time to get ready for this monstrosity of an undertaking. It makes partial sense to me now that maybe part of the reason I've had so much trouble juggling this project with all my other involvements is because it was an involvement I wasn't supposed to be juggling just quite yet. So for now, I'm taking time to graduate, open a coffee-shop, and really re-group so that I can give this project and it's cause the attention and energy they deserve. But to reiterate, THIS IS STILL HAPPENING!!!! Just....not quite when I originally thought it would.

     I'll try to keep y'all posted every month or so on how things are progressing with planning and preparations, but there might be some unavoidable inconsistencies in my posting. So I apologize for that in advance. I definitely want to get a post up on May 20th reflecting on my decision to postpone. Hopefully I'll get something up sooner than that, but with me ya never know.

'Til then, may the road rise up to meet you,
Jordan Miller

Prayer Needs:
- prayers of thanks for God's wisdom and guidance
- prayers for God's continued guidance
- prayers for planning, fundraising, recruiting walking buddies, etc.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Learning to count and other developments

     So, about 2 weeks ago I learned how to count and realized that even though May is the 5th month of the year, as of January 20th I actually had 4 months to go, not 5. This from a MS high school valedictorian. Tells you something about the state of public education. That means as of last Thursday, I have less than 3 months before my projected start date. Am I panicking? Yes. Yes I am.

    Also in this post's news, I had a very sobering conversation yesterday afternoon with one of the co-founders of Active Water (aka the ministry I'm walking to raise funds for), who was the main contact/support person for someone else who walked across the US a few years ago. They were very honest about the severe loneliness that the isolation and strain that the trip had on their friend and asked some probing questions about my motives for doing this and if this is really the best course for me. So I wound up spending most of yesterday afternoon and evening consulting friends/family and doing a ton of soul-searching. Results aren't conclusive yet, they're still coming in, but I'll definitely keep yall abreast if any major change-of-plans arise. So definitely be praying for God to give me wisdom as I sift through thoughts and motives and the 365 voices yelling at each other in my head.

    On a happier note, I potentially have a ride to my start point worked out, I just need to finalize things with him. Also, I went with my good friend/partner-in-crime/support crew/pseudo-mom Jane Gibson yesterday and window-shopped for gear. We didn't buy anything, but we got a good idea of what to buy. And of course Jane spread the word about what I'm doing with at least 3 different people she ran into while we were out and about. I kinda wish I could just let her handle all the PR and me just do the walking...sadly, that dog won't hunt.

     Speaking of PR, Jane's riding my case (as well she should) about getting out and telling people what I'm doing and actually raising funds since it is a fundraising campaign. As if I didn't have enough on my plate already. This should be interesting....

     Well this just about wraps it up for this update. Oh! I almost forgot! I would absolutely be tickled pink if I didn't have to do this all by my lonesome, so if you or anyone you know would be interested in walking part of my route with me, pleassseee let me know. And spread the word that I'm looking. Take a look at my basic route, zoom in, see where all I'll be going through and see if you or anyone you know is in that area and would be willing to walk with me or help me find a place to pitch my tent for a night.

     Also, don't forget to check out Active Water and how you can donate to or get involved with their cause. See y'all in the next update!

'Til then, may the road rise up to meet you,
Jordan Miller

Prayer Needs:
- wisdom and guidance as I soul-search
- peace and productivity as I step up fundraising efforts and finalize plans
- school, as always
- mild weather this summer, fall, and winter
- pray, pray, pray for walking partners!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014 make that 4... Months and Counting

Skyseeker original calendar by skyseeker on Flickr

     This is it folks! Five Four months from now I'll be huddled up in a tent somewhere having just finished my first day of walking across the US. But I got a long way to go and a lot to get done before I get there. I realize that I had originally said I wanted to post once a month, and I apologize for failing on that one. I also realize that I promised a post months ago about ways you can get involved and never wrote it...sorry about that too!

     So what all have I accomplished so far in the way of planning and preparations? I mean, it's been months since my last post so I've probably gotten a lot done since then, right? HA! If only. Basically, I've established that thus far I'm going alone (I had a friend who had volunteered to go with me for the first few months but then backed out), I've gotten a brainstorming/planning buddy to help me get things ironed out, and I've bought and been reading How to Walk Across America (And Not Be an A**hole) by Tyler Coulson. Despite the colorful title, it really has been very insightful and helped me kinda figure out where my planning needs to go next.
      But now it's time for all the theories and ideas to start growing into action. I got to buy gear, figure out how I'm getting to my starting point, figure out where I'm going from my ending point and how I'm getting there, and a host of other important preparations, all while trying to graduate college, helping out at my church, and helping launch a new coffee-shop ministry. Let it never be said that I'm not ambitious. Let it also never be said that I'm not totally stark-raving bonkers! But I can do all things through Him, right?

     So with that disclaimer, let me just clarify that I have no idea how often I'll be able to check in here during the next few months, but I'm definitely going to make more of an effort to make sure it isn't another five months before I post again.

     So while you wait for the latest update, go check out Active Water and find out more about the great work they're doing in Africa. And spread the word like crazy and get people to jump in and support this awesome cause!!! I mean that's what this is all about in the end: getting clean water to the people of Zambia in the name of Jesus. Hope to have a little more progress to share with y'all in a month or three....

'Till then may the road rise up to meet you,
Jordan Miller

Prayer Needs:
- Pray for my studies as I finish up my final semester here at Mid-South Christian College.
- Pray for God to bless my fundraising efforts, because I'm pretty new to all this.
- Start praying now for good weather during my walk... If we start praying now and keep it up, maybe I'll be able to avoid any tornadoes in Kansas and Blizzards in Colorado.
- Still would like a support vehicle for UT, NV, and southern CA...but that'll take an act of God, so keep praying!!!
- Pray that God would help me figure out my entry and exit plans...getting to the start point and leaving the end point.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Nancy Drew Mystery Story by Lall on Flickr
Last month I promised to give the story behind why I'm doing this walk. It really isn't that long of a story, but I have issues with concision, so I figured it'd be wiser to make its own post in case I get rambly. So without further ado:

The idea for Project FairFeet first surfaced this past April, on April Fool's Day no less. But the first seeds of the idea were planted almost three years ago. For it was three years ago that a friend asked me about training for a half-marathon to raise money for Active Water, which he had learned about at CIY. I looked into the organization, thought it interesting, but then the plan fell through. But that was the first time I'd heard about them. I'd hear a little more about them over the years as my friend Nick talked about them, but it never really meant much to me.

Then this past March (I think) two more seeds were planted that would help jumpstart this first seed into growth. First, I walked almost 9 miles to church on a whim. I have no car so if I'm going to get somewhere I usually walk if it's close enough or get a ride. Up to that point, I'd usually just gotten rides, but that day I decided to walk. I was hooked. There was something oddly thrilling about walking distances that I knew most people would consider too far to walk. The second thing: Nick started talking about Active Water again. Nick and some other friends of mine at our Bible college are launching a coffee shop outreach ministry  called Avenue Coffee near the University of Memphis as part of their degree program. Each month at their shop they want the artwork and conversations to focus around a specific global issue and they will partner with a Christian non-profit organization that deals with that month's theme and give them 10% of that month's profits from the shop. They had a list of themes listed on a chalkboard in the school's mailroom and the first theme was the Global Water Crisis. I asked Nick about it and he said they were going to try to partner with Active Water that month.

There was one more factor that helped fertilize the seed in preparation for it's upcoming growth spurt: Chasing Mavericks. That's right, a surfer movie. If you've not heard of it, it's a movie based on surfing legend Jay Moriarty (whom I'd never heard of before the movie) and how he at the age of 16 (I think) rode these colossal waves off the CA coast called Mavericks. It's actually a fairly inspiring movie and this is coming from a guy who does not often find movies inspiring. It fertilized the still-dormant seed of idea with a sense of "Wow! I wish I could do something epic like that!"

That brings us to April 1st. I never found out who exactly, but one of the members of Nick's team shared a link to Active Water's homepage. I'm not sure why I clicked on it, but I did. I looked it over and thought, "I wish I could do something for them," but I've tried my hand at distance running and I know that marathons and half-marathons are out of my league. I followed this line of thinking with "Hey! I like walking long distances! Maybe I can use that! Yeah, but it'd have to be pretty long in order to be a good fundraiser....Hey! I know! I can walk across America!" Out of curiosity I googled how long it takes to walk across America and found blogs by people who've done it recently. The next thing I know, I'm telling myself, "I want to walk across America for ActiveWater!" It felt like it was what God was calling me to do...but I've had those feelings about things before and most of them wound up fizzling out. So I grabbed a friend on chat and after convincing her that this was not an elaborate April Fool's Day prank (I actually was so excited about the idea that it never even crossed my mind what day it was when I told her about it), asked her to pray about it.

I decided, that in order to be doubly sure that this was what I was supposed to do that I would spend a month praying about it everyday and asking God for clear confirmation as to whether it was His will or not. I chose to do this everyday at 10:15 based off of Romans 10:15 which says, "how beautiful are the feet of them that bring good news." I asked 12 to pray the same thing with me everyday. During that month of prayer, I got no writing on the walls or unmistakable signs. I mean, I did randomly stumble across a story about a guy who started running across America for clean water on April 1st, 2013, but I knew better than to take that in and of itself as a sign. I also learned that apparently that the founders of Active Water founded it after one of them finished his own walk across the country for clean water in Africa, but again, I didn't take it as a sign. What I found was that rather than a sign, God gave me peace. Peace in knowing that if it was something I really wanted to do for Him, then I should do it and if He didn't want me doing it, it wouldn't happen. So I decided to do it.

At the end of the 30 days, I emailed Active Water and to my surprise got an email back from Daren Wendell, the co-founder and US-crosser himself asking me to call him at the office. I called him, talked to him, and the partnership with AW was born. It was official, I was walking across the country....I just didn't know much else besides that. Then came the less fun phone calls....telling my parents....

My dad actually handled it pretty well. My mom? Doesn't like the idea, and never will. But she won't fight me on it either and I consider that victory enough.

So there you have it. The story of how Project FairFeet was born. I got the name from the same verse I used as my prayer time, Romans 10:15, and I've been working on it ever since.

Thanks for reading! Keep your eyes open for another post in a couple of days detailing how you can get involved with Project FairFeet and do something yourself to help bring clean water and the love of Jesus to Africa.

'Til then may the road rise up to meet you!
Jordan Miller

This Month's Prayer Points:
-I start back at classes in a couple of weeks. Prayers for a good semester, muchly appreciated.
-Still need someone with fundraising experience to help advise me on the fundraising side of the walk.
-For sufficient funds to complete the walk.
-Still need advisers and planners to help with the nuts-and-bolts of planning this beastie.
-For a support vehicle/driver to accompany through the desert states of Utah and Nevada.
-Also pray for my friend David Kidd who will be walking the first couple of months with me as he makes his own preparations.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Learning to Juggle

Juggling with the Planets - the Fool by Anne Wipf

One would think planning a walk across the US would be more than enough of a project for one person. Well I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment because not only am I planning this walk, I'm also helping my friends who are starting a coffee shop outreach ministry near the University of Memphis, and volunteering whatever time I can find in my college's library helping get incoming books processed. On top of that every week for the past few weeks some other obligation often related to one of the above projects has reared its ugly head vying for yet more of my time. This week in particular has felt like juggling electric eels. And sadly, the less immediate of the projects is often the one that often suffers in situations like this. I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like when I start back in classes in a few short weeks.

This might seem like normal college life to most, but the difference is I am notoriously bad at managing my time. It's something I've been getting slowly better at over the past year or so, but it's something that is better improved at small doses. This feels like going from little league to major leagues overnight, and I'm pretty sure I ain't ready for it. Thankfully, I know that God is in control. So whatever slips through my fingers in this delicate juggling act will land safely in his. I'm still going to have to do the work of saying no and choosing how to invest my limited supply of time and energy, but the knowledge that he's there to help is the only reason I was brave enough to take on this monstrosity of an undertaking to begin with.

Thanks for reading! I hope to get a post out once a month leading up to the walk and then once a week during the walk (provided that I can find the internet opportunities to do so). Next month I'll backtrack a little and share the story of how Project FairFeet came to be.

Til then, may the road rise up to meet you!
Jordan Miller

This Month's Prayer Points:
-For God to help my juggling skills to improve.
-That God would get me in touch with someone who has fundraising experience and time to help me start getting my fundraising plans underway.
-That God would help streamline the planning process of getting down to FL for my sister's quinceaƱera in 3 weeks.
-For sufficient funds to complete the walk
-That God would bring more planny-type people on board to help with the juggling.