Friday, December 26, 2014

Redirection and Dreams Reborn

So...I know it's been forever since I've updated anyone on the progress of the Fairfeet Project, and I'm sorry for that. I've been wrestling with how to say this for about a week now, and getting nowhere. So, in typical Jordan fashion, I've decided the best way is to just blurt it out and then explain it. That way, those of you with busy lives and/or short attention spans will get the important part without having to read a monster post. So...*deep breath* we go with the announcement:

My life has recently taken a new direction and I have decided not to walk across the country. 

What is this "new direction"? I want to back to school and study to become a sign language interpreter. I've been interested in this off-and-on since I was twelve years old, and recently I had an opportunity to interpret a couple of songs for a deaf lady and it reawakened my interest in this. However, if I were to wait until after my walk to pursue this, I wouldn't have any money left for school, if I had any left at all.

What about Active Water and your mission for clean water? The simple fact is that the $961 I've raised for Active Water/Lifewater has already been donated to them and is being put to good use bringing clean water to people who desperately need it. Could I raise more if I actually did the walk? Probably. But I'm honestly a terrible fundraiser and it's only by the grace of God that I've raised what I have. It's more than I would've raised had I never undertaken this endeavor.

So what now? For now, things stay much the same as they have been. I'll stay in Memphis and keep working and sleeping. I'll also start looking into getting into Ozark Christian College to pursue an Associate Degree in Deaf Ministry. Because I already have a bachelor degree, most of my credits should transfer and I'll only have to take a my concentration-related courses, which will be cheaper and (hopefully quicker). If that works out and I'll be able to start in August, then I'll eventually move to Joplin, MO find housing and a job and stay there until I'm done with school.

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me or prayed for me during this year-and-a-half enterprise. And a huge thanks to everyone who has given to Active Water/Lifewater on behalf of this campaign. THANK YOU!!! Even though my plans of walking have come to naught, your generosity was not without fruit and is helping bring clean water to people who otherwise may never have gotten it.

I hope to come back and write a post about what I learned from this little failed enterprise, but we all know how long that may take me to get around to.

'Til then, may the road rise up to meet you,
Jordan Miller